What is important to take a athlete to the ''next level''? The training plan? the super duper double run day? the special vo2max test with fuel analyses, the new cool drills, the specials equippement or the new altitude tents and powermeter? In my opinion, you can do very well and to THE NEXT LEVEL without all these things..... I personaly never get test or use any mesuring device in training. I dont have a very rigid plan and my coach dosnt ask my for splits or hr from my workouts......
The most important aspect in my opinion, the 99% of the athlete is the attitude. The right attitude towards training and slowly improving and getting the work done. The right attitude to stick to a plan and be patient. The attitude to trust a coach and focus on execution and not on building the new revolutionnary training plan.
Often, that 99% as to be in part, teach by a coach. You need to find a good coach to share that most important part of the big picture. Well, today, i m sharing with you all a bit of Paulo teaching me the right attitude toward been ready for Lake Placid....
This is tonight conversation between me and Paulo on MSN....
i was asking him if i could go race the Triple T triathlon in Ohio this weekend....
Jonathan says:
where is triple t?
pAULO says:
Somewhere in OH
Jonathan says:
what city?
what city?
pAULO says:
It's like in a park I think
It's like in a park I think
Jonathan says:
i want to go
i want to go
Jonathan says:
it would be fun
it would be fun
Jonathan says:
i could make money
i could make money
pAULO says:
I think Zach is doing the 1/2IM
I think Zach is doing the 1/2IM
Jonathan says:
but i want to do the triple T
but i want to do the triple T
pAULO says:
How about you go spend the weekend at Saint Thomas Francis University?
How about you go spend the weekend at Saint Thomas Francis University?
pAULO says:
Wouldn't you prefer that?
Wouldn't you prefer that?
......oh...some of you might not know about that reputable institution, anyone care to explain the meaning of a weekend at Saint thomas Francis University
Ah, Saint Thomas Francis University... that brings very fond memories of when I was there getting my PhD in Triathlon Coaching.
I WANT that sweatshirt. PS, where the hell did you get that?
JC... you been talking with Jodi? She said we need to go to Ohio and race.
Attitude... hmmmm where I have I been hearing too much of that lately. ;)
HA!!! :)
who is this Zach you speak of?
Come on, Paulo! With a suck-up post like that you HAVE to let him go!
pAULO says:
How about you go spend the weekend at Saint Thomas Francis University?
THIS is why he makes the big bucks, kids...
Absolute gold
We were talking about one of our best friends in the whole wide world: Zach Ruble! We just LOVE Zach Ruble!
Go Zachy Poo!!!
I destroyed a stress fx at that Half IM in 2002
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