Monday, May 24, 2010

secret from the TOP pros!!!

Well, for those that still dont know, yes, i m officially Tom Evans new coach. I say new but over the s really under my guidance and supervision that he as mature as a great champion and multiple time ironman win. Now, i understand joel filliol might not agree but how many hours as joel ever log in with tom on a many hills many many meters swim in the pool... Yes, it s me, i more than a coach...i would call myself a mentor for Tom in his triathlon carreer but also in is professional carreer as a dentist...yes, i even go often to the dental office to supervise.

Today was a nice couple of hours ride....the Naramatha hill circut compose of very step climbs... big watts and threshold effort. I m now sharing with you the secret of Tom for a killer bike ride at a ironman....

A short run, and a swim in Okanagean lake and that was it for today....the work is done, time to rest...tomorrow should be even more fun

time to cheer for the montreal canadian!!!


drtommy said...

Jonny, please don't tell everyone how I keep the icecream from melting in the special needs bag. I don't need the extra competition. And thanks again for the advice on that difficult wisdom tooth on friday.

Marcos Apene do Amaral said...

Miss your posts! Cheers from Brazil, MAA

MarkyV said...

i cant help but read these in your accent.