I have had the chance to meet so many amazing people over the last 14 years of triathlon. Most of them, i can call them my friends!!! some not :( .... but one thing for sure... i m a very lucky person!
Tomorow, i m starting a new chapter of this amazing adventure. I m flying at 8:15am from el paso to dallas to tokyo and finaly to Manila. Drive for a few hours to Subic bay, a old american military base that is now a touristic resort in the philippines. It is suppose to be very hot and very humid.
This is my training location for the next 2 months. I m very excited about this big change, i will get to meet lots of new teamates with who i will train for the next year. A new coach and training philosphy and a new country and new culture.
I have pack 50lbs of wheat free food, and lots of training gear...almost all my possession really!!! I promise lots of pictures and video as i will be living with me good friend Zach Ruble in a complex with all the other athletes.
oh, i receive a schedule today from brett and it says, i have to do a 40min run in the tokyo airport during my 2h connection and 80X50m stride inside the airplane over the pacific during the 13h segement from dallas to tokyo. It s a 747 so that should be duable. He wanted me to carry on my bike and trainer to do a threshold set on the last segement flight at 35 000 feet to get the high altitude adaptation.....
more silliness to come....
Yay!!!!! I am so excited for you. Come back with lots of stories, and ready to DOMINATE!!!!!
Miss you!
Best of luck to you in your new training grounds. keep us posted! u rock!
Work hard, have fun and PLEASE TAKE CARE OF DUMPSTER!!!!
Finally, I get my room back!!!!!
Have fun down there bro, and don't worry - you won't have any difficulty finding wheat free food down there. Rice free, maybe - but wheat free will be a breeze.
Good luck Jonnyo!
BS has a "philosophy"? ;-)
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