it s been a long long long time since i have felt this good. To go training and not have any fever, or weakness, diseasness, bowel issue, food issu, just simply enjoy going out on my bike, running in the trails and jumping in the pool and having fun getting the work done.
The last month have been a slow turn for the best and i m just hoping it will continue on this road as i m enjoying the training like i havent in a long long time. I also started a new training program and guidance this week and it s a nice change to be excited about something new and different.
if i keep on my best behavior,consistant and healthy, i might have a chance to get back to some great fitness and take part in a early ironman in march or april in the southern athmosphere! But for now, focus is on just taking it one day at the time, drinking lots of tasty veggies juice and sleeping tons!
this week ,i did some really fun silly workout, some pretty challenging and about 25h total! one more in the bag!!!
time for bed! more to come!
Good to hear things are looking up in your training.
I thought FOR SURE your title was gonna be "Damn it feels good to be a gangsta". Ah well :)
He's baaack!
25 hours! uh.
Wooohooo - glad to hear it! Stay strong!!
I'm glad you're feeling better. Hope you have a great season
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