Well, i took a bit of a break from blogging. A nice trip to hawaii, seeing my friends race and learn a little more about this race and this mysterious place. I m now back to Las Cruces and moved to La Villa Del La Montoya. It s really been a lot of fun to live with Danny and Misha and there perfect dog Jordy!!!
I have took a lot of rest and i m now starting back moving and trying to regain health and some fitness. So far this week, i have done 3 swim, 3 swim and 3 bikes.... Nothing spectacular but moving along and getting the work done slowly and getting back into a routine with early bed as much as i can and healthy eating choices.
There is some changes this season with a few new sponsors that i will talk about later but i m happy to be back with Cervelo and 2XU, The Bike Barns and the complete city of penticton!!!
Another change that make me very sad is that i will not longer be working with Paulo as my coach. I m not a very easy athlete to coach as i have my french canadian carachter and flaw. I m also extremly hard on the people surronding me as my goals are very improtant to me and i ask a lot from them and hold them to very high standars. We have some different vision and could not find a commun ground so to part away was the best choice at this time.

I want to take the time to thank him for all the guidance and succes i had in the last 2 year. During the 2007 season, i won a national title, broke the 9h mark at ironman and a finish second a ironman canada (8;39) and a big part of these succes are because of paulo's contribution. I have learn so much with him and had one hell of a ride winning many races and having a blast. I still have a lot to learn and do hope to continu by reading is blog and peaking on his athletes training schedules!!!
I will take the month of november to set a good routine, rebuild fitness and stay on the healthy path. I will also take my time to reflect on what direction i will take and the way to get there. Thank you for reading and your support over the years! There is more to come!!!
Your an inspiration man! I hope you continue your journey! And I look forward to hearing from you next year.
Glad to hear you are back in the saddle. You look great in that picture!
Here's some music to inspire your return to triathlon greatness:
smart move !!!
I'm glad to hear you're feeling better and look forward to watching a great 09 from you. I'm interested in your coaching and will send you a seperate email. Best of luck in 09!
maybe you can train with cliff and the girls, heard they need a whipping boy for CW. ;-)
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